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School Best Implementer 2nd Place
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DECEMBER 10, 2021

Unlike the traditional Brigada Eskwela, this year focused more on  strengthening partnership engagements that complement DepEd efforts to implement various blended learning modalities and support initiatives for schools, teachers, and learners amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Today, we won second runner up in the small school category of Brigada Eskwela 2021 School Best Implementer for Secondary Level.

The school congratulates the former principal, Mr. Ruel A. Grafil, the present principal, Mr. Jaime O. Sarmiento Jr., Brigada Eskwela Coordinators Ma’am Irene Oriarte, Ma’am Angel Mercader, all teaching and non-teaching personnel, and all stakeholders and partners of Sto. Nino Senior High school and most especially to our Almighty God.  We cannot do this without each and everyone of you.

This is the second division level award the school received as of today. We look forward to more awards and recognitions, from district level, division level, to national level, especially our long lasting partnership with our stakeholders. We believe that we can achieve it both if we worked it out together. 

Again, congratulations to all. 

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Scientia, Excellentia, et Onus!